Thursday, March 31, 2011

So proud! a good way

Here's what today's BGNews had in store. There were two letters published. The first letter has two goals: one, to show that yet again, people in their limited understanding, are too prideful to say, 'ya kno, maybe they're on to something', but instead say 'well i just completely disagree. you must be wrong,' and two, to argue that the event shouldn't have even be covered in the BGNews.

I'll just focus on the second part. These letters have been written in response to the very poorly written first article that appeared in Monday's edition. I'm pretty sure that the four people who just had to make their view heard weren't even at the event. It's really doesn't give justice to Veritas, Prof Smith, and the Catholic Church at large (because that's who the enemy wants to attack anyway), to continue critiquing the presentation when those critics weren't there. As for the notion that it shouldn't even have been printed, well... that's not for me to decide. Blame the BGNews... but yet they also printed this very letter that indirectly attacks themselves.

I'd also like to share an article by a friend of mine who also writes for the BGNews. While this guy is Christian [though, as I discovered rather unfortunately, he's also quite anti-Catholic (...does that give anyone else pause? i mean, how can one profess Christ yet still oppose fellow Christians??)], when you read the article, it's ironic how right my friend's thesis is. I submitted for comment the following:

Well said, [name removed].

Take it a few steps further ("south") and you've got the reason why the Catholic Church speaks out against contraception.

Romantic relationships, as I hope you would agree, are about the journey towards loving each other completely and fully. So, by extent, if a guy is dating a girl and they're having pre-marital sex and using contraception, he does not love her alone...but he also loves contraception.

So, I would be so bold as to add "contraception" to the list of things you've already mentioned that don't make a girl who she is...especially as contraception does in fact change who she is chemically and hormonally.

That's what I submitted. It's not posted yet because it's under review. Then again, since the article was written at the end of January, and no other comments appear, I'm not getting my hopes up of anyone seeing what I posted... so I wrote it on here!

Anyway... I'd also be so bold as to say that the 'hypothetical' guy I mentioned in the all too common scenario, in addition to not loving his girlfriend alone but also contraception, he probably also loves sex. I'd venture to say that they both probably love sex than they do each other, and thus they simply use each other. At that point, love goes out the window.

This is why Janet Smith herself expressed her pessimism almost two weeks ago. Sometimes I can't help but agree with Smith. The world is fading away... The warnings Pope Paul VI's prophetic encyclical (see paragraph 17) are coming to pass... and the sheer irony is that the very naysayers to the decline of morality only prove those words to be true!
Yet, God is still good. I am truly proud of how the students within the Church local community are reacting. Not only have I responded (which I posted yesterday on here... though I didn't receive a confirmation of reception by the BGNews like others have...), but so have plenty of students, like Gina, Veritas' president, whose reply was printed. Other steps being taken by the prayer warriors of our local Church Militant include, but are not limited to: our continued inclusion of the BGSU community in our prayers, especially those who need to hear the message Prof Smith presented, the written submissions to the BGNews by close to ten other current Catholic BGSU students and alum and members of Veritas, and the invitation into conversation by several former students to those who have responded negatively. I myself am considering now to email directly the male student who spoken negatively about the entire situation, inviting him into conversation, reaching out to him... not to change his mind, but to change his heart. All in all, eeeing the readiness for battle, first with prayer, among the students here is fantastic.

Bare in mind that when I speak of the Church Militant, the enemy is not those who disagree with the Church, but in fact satan himself and the army of evil spirits. We cannot deny their existence nor the enemy's tactics. If there's one thing that the movie The Rite did, though I have yet to see it, was to promote this truth: "not believing in the devil won't protect you from him". Yet, our weapons in this fight are NOT the same as the enemy's. Even though I'm continuing to use military language and imagery, I want to be clear that it might not exactly be the first idea that comes to mind. We as faithful Catholics engage the enemy in battle when we pray, most especially during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and and for Our Lady's intercession by way of the Most Holy Rosary. Our weapon when we're not praying the official prayers of the Church (because we should never stop praying) is the prayer of Love. It's living out the Christian walk, words and actions, in the light of Love. It's dragging sin into the light. It's being honest with each other. It's confessing. It's calling the world to conversion with compassion... and sometimes that makes us look mean... Jesus looked mean to some of the people of His day. Jesus said some pretty shocking things to the people of His time... and He still does through His Bride, His Church, His Holy Nation, a People called and set apart. ...that's us.

I'm proud because I can see that here locally... I pray that other parishes will join us... that all dissenting catholics will return to the True Faith... that all Christians will come Home... One Flock, One Shepherd, One Church... battle ready, waiting to be welcomed into Eternity and hear the Father say "Well done, my good and faithful servant". Yet, it's in matters both big AND small that we need to fight this battle. Christopher West has said that we won't stop global warming until we stop contracepting. I'd say that we won't stop contracepting until we start doing things, even little things, for others out of simple love for God and for others. West would agree with me, though, that it's because our world doesn't know how to authentically love...even when it's right in front of them. That's why we're experiencing the situation at hand.

I'd like to end with this quote from St. Catherine of Siena. I found it on this article, providentially.
"We’ve had enough of exhortations to be silent! Cry out with a hundred thousand tongues. I see that the world is rotten because of silence"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Goings on in my job. What a blessing.

Recently, I have been blessed to witness persecution.

What? Yes, persecution is bad... but think of Christ. Think of His holy martyrs. I'd consider it a privilege and honor to die defending Holy Mother Church. Yet, I digress.

Here's what's been going on. Last Sunday, the Catholic Student Group brought Janet Smith, to speak on campus. Since then, it has received a lot of attention from the University's newspaper. Feel free to read what's been printed so far. Below is what I have sent to the paper, in hopes they would print it. In general, among the community here, I've gotten a lot of 'thank you's and 'good job's. I'm curious as to know your response, dear reader. Sure, you can comment on the content of the issue at hand, but as evident my reply, I'd rather focus on the kind of people we are throughout this matter and the direction of our hearts.

Here's what I submitted, with changes noted in [red]:

To [names of students removed, one of whom is a columnist for the BGNews], and the rest of the BGNews staff [and BGSU population at large, I requested to have this part removed before it's considered for printing]

First of all, I'd like to be absolutely transparent with everyone. I'm not going to try to debate facts, nor do I wish to malign any one's character or what he or she may believe. I understand that what someone believes is important to him or her, so much so that it can define who a person is and can direct that person's path in life. Whether that is right or wrong, I will not debate either. What I'm more concerned with, as I hope Prof Smith would agree, is the state of each individual's heart in all of this matter. Yes, a lot of what Janet Smith has said is shocking... as well it should be. However, that doesn't give any of us the right to defame anyone just because he or she believes differently. This respect ought to extend to all people, even to the Pope.

Secondly, can you put yourselves in another's shoes for just a little bit? Do you think that Veritas brought Janet Smith here to make everyone mad? Do you think she was brought here all of the sudden make every single student and faculty member become like Catholic robots, bending to the will of, and I quote, "old white men whose power and influence relies on their ability to uphold an archaic, patriarchal institution,"? Do you really believe what you're writing here, or are you speaking out of anger because someone else in the world happens to disagree with you and then was given a microphone?

I'm honestly not concerned so much about the content of any speech, because there have been plenty of University sponsored speeches that I've attended and then left fuming during my undergraduate here at what I still consider to be a fine institution of higher education... and let's be honest, Veritas, as student organization, has the right as such to bring in any speaker they want to use to promote their own beliefs, just as much as any other organization has the right to bring in speakers who hold opposing views to promote them, which, as I suggested before, I have experienced. The presentation by Prof. Smith at the same time was not mandatory and, if you had attended, you could have left at any time, as some individuals did. What I'm more interested in, truth be told, is what I said before... the condition of your heart, from a human perspective. As I read all of the articles and comments and responses back and forth, I simply am left myself to ask, why? Why do some people respond the way they do? What makes them tick? What's happened to that person in his or her lifetime to make them feel this way or that way? Have they been hurt by someone who's held these views in the past? Do they feel that they have to comment, to be noticed? to be loved? to be approved of?

Thirdly, and most importantly, if you reading this have been hurt in the past by anyone, especially by someone who was supposed to be representing God, may I express my deepest and sincerest apologies. Know that you are not alone and that you can find the hope, peace, and eternal joy that all people long for, whether they realize it or not. While Prof Smith did not explicitly express this as her goal, as a fellow faithful Catholic, I pray that she would agree with me that her mission is in fact to teach, so that hopefully, this world can be a better place and that things like hope, peace, prosperity, life, freedom, true love, lasting happiness, can and will one day be the law that is written on the hearts of all people.
You may call me a dreamer or think I'm unrealistic, but I've been able to experience just a sliver of what I'm talking about... I can honestly say that I've been in some pretty dark places in my life. If it weren't for the Church, I would not be able to type this to you today. Now, by no means to I wish to boast of anything of myself nor do I wish make you feel worse or inferior to me. I am dust; I am nothing; I would not be surprised if this article did not get printed, for I do not deserve such recognition. At the end of the day, all I can do is hope that my actions, whether big or small, were done with utmost sincerity and love, in service of my fellow human beings.

To the BGNews staff,
[There was a male reporter who stopped by the Veritas table yesterday, offering help. Would you be able to tell me who that individual was? This part was not relevant to the article per se, but hopefully the newspaper staff is smart enough to realize not to print it.]
Thank you so much for your cooperation. It is my prayer that you continue to seek the truth. In doing so, you will be united with the goal and ideal of higher education as well as with the student group Veritas (whose name means "Truth").

Whether you want them or not, all those reading this, you are in my prayers.

So..... that's what I sent it. Other members of this community are also sending emails to the BG News. While I'm not directly responsible for the content of their messages, I did also send out an email encouraging our community to see these persecutions as blessings, and to remain diligent in prayer and evangelization, spreading the truth with love.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Great Resource

So... I know I haven't done too much with this site... mostly it's because I have my xanga blog and really no followers here. However, I hope that changes...soon. Perhaps after Lent, when I'm back on facebook, I'll promote this page more...

Plus, this may be a more spiritually healthy way for me to blog... I'll pray more about it.

Anyway, I found this really wonderful website with tons of information that's solid Church teaching, compiling not only Catholic Church documents, but plenty other organizations and speakers who remain faithful to the Church. Included is a plethora of pamphlets that consicely spell out what the Church teaches on anything and everything...almost. They definitely can't replace a Catechism... but if you know someone who has a question about any given topic, I'm sure these could be very useful.

Be good.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Catholic Jedi Academy: Hey, I’m Not A Sinner! You’re Not A Sinner, Eithe...

The Catholic Jedi Academy: Hey, I’m Not A Sinner! You’re Not A Sinner, Eithe...: "WELCOME TO THEHOLY SEASON OF LENT 2011Now, What Are You Going To Do About It? @font-face { font-family: 'Arial'; }@font-face { f..."
