Thursday, March 21, 2013

Too funny not to share

Kresta In The Afternoon: Cartoon of the Day

I don't usually put stuff like this on my blog, or at least not this one, but since I currently have not much other outlet, well, just enjoy!

ps, cycle 3's summary will be posted soon.

Friday, March 8, 2013

a slight pause

as opposed to JP2's "long pause"... no i haven't been shot. it's spring break! however, i was just told in class today that we'll be getting our summaries of cycle 3 of TOB back the friday after spring break, which is when the summaries for cycle 4 are due. that's probably around the time i'll go back and edit the original and post it here.

until then, i'll share with you all this video from fr. barron. i enjoyed it because i'm actually studying works from the people he mentions in it, like deLubac.


Watch ""Why Priests?" by Garry Wills: A commentary by Fr. Barron" on YouTube
