Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nailed It! on Evangelization ...or lack there of

yup. maybe i should just use this blog to feature what other people are thinking...

or maybe i could put more time and effort into it.

There Was a Dream...: On the silence of religion.: "I wholeheartedly believe that the silencing of religion, sometimes self-inflicted, is a major cause of atheism. I had a brief discussion w..."

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ads... can you blame me?

Ok so, I just want to give a few very small caveats. Yet, I'm sure this will turn into a much longer post, only because I have a long to do list that I'm procrastinating.

Recently, I saw that I can make a few dollars by having google place ads on my blog. Did I sell out? Maybe. Do I need money? YES. Do I regret it? Perhaps a little bit. Will I remove the ads? Probably not. Is it hindering the divine life within me? Not quite. I'd say that we can constitutionally categorize this as venial sin.

I am not asking you to click on these ads.

The deeper issue at hand, though, is that I'd like to communicate that I'm not directly responsible for the content of some ads. Let me explain how I understand them to work. The content is determined yes by the content of my blogs. However, it only looks for specific tag or buzzwords. Since I have so far blogged about Catholic, religious, and otherwise theological topics, the ads that I've seen have thus been about Catholic priests, prayer, pew upholstery, and even defunding planned parenthood. Awesome! Yet, I've just today notice that among things listed in these ads are universalist unitarianism and mormonism, two topics which I personally believe to be heretical, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Note, I'm not out to condemn anyone because I don't have that authority. I can call sin for what it is.

Back on topic. All I'm saying is that if i start to blog exclusively on pets and pets supplies and how to groom hamsters... well I wouldn't be surprised then if the ads started to reflect that. In fact, I'm sure that just because I'm not using doggie chew toys and kittie litter as an example, there invariably will now be ads for such products that keep domestic animals happy and healthy for hours on end (yes, I'm testing this. See for yourself. Dogs. Cats. Birds. Pets. Mice. Leashes. Collars. Yarn. Spots. Cat food. Birdcages. Jack Hannah. Dolphins. Brine shrimp. you get the idea?)

I guess I could have made my point by simply saying this: The ads that appear on this blog do not necessarily reflect my own personal views... though is super cool when they do. On a deeper level. If you reading this like what what you see and/or what you read and/or want to get to know me better, follow me! Send me a message! Figure out some way to connect to me!

Rant over....for now.

Pax Christi!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Nailed It! on Canon 915

so, I was hoping to have a few posts in between this Nailed It! and the last one...which was the first one... but alas I've been a bit busy... and it's not like I really have any readership currently.

ANYWAY... I read this post and thought to myself, "Of course this is a Nailed It! I mean, it's Archbishop Chaput for crying out loud!!"

Defend Us In Battle...: If only more Bishops were like him... (UPDATED): "Archbishop Chaput ***UPDATE***: See Below Archbishop Charles Chaput is a courageous and intelligent Bishop. As Thomas Peters from America..."

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nailed It!

I just decided this. I'm starting a new series of blogs here at 3 called "Nailed it!". Basically, while I'm out on the interwebs, whenever I find another blog or website that really well...nailed it...whatever the topic is, I'll give it it's due. This first installment Nailed It! is on Confession. Watch the video featured within the linked post below. BadCatholic: Video Competition: "Errbody! I just entered a scholarship competition. I had to make an under-one-minute video promoting the sacrament of reconciliation. I was..."

Friday, April 1, 2011

and the Truth will set you free!!

Okay... maybe that's overkill.

If you've been reading my recent posts, or the beloved BGNews, you'll have some idea of what's been going on in light of the event we had last weekend. Janet Smith, professor of theology, specifically in the area of Theology of the Body, spoke last Sunday.

Here's the latest BGNews publication.

I don't foresee anyone else commenting negatively or writting into the BGNews all offended. Jillian and Cameron did an excellent job appealing to fertility and femininity in hopes of not only educating such a misguided people, but also restoring some, even just a little, of the damage done by... really the Fall.

...and thing of the spiritual consequences of their actions!! Lately, God has been giving me very small glimpses on the spiritual reality that when we act out of the pure goodness of our hearts, we can, in affect, help in the salvation of souls. Wow!
